RAGA Engineering Ltd. (herein after called 'RAGA')
was estabhised since 1992. This is an electrical company which mainly
involves supplying and installation of the electrical services in
Hong Kong and overseas. The nature of business includes electrical
installation, low voltage electrical switchboard assembly installation
and sales of electrical products. We are specialised in the design
and assembly of electrical switchboards for many residential and
commercial projects in Hong Kong (Job reference list is available
on request).
RAGA has accumulated a track record covering
over a lot of projects in Hong Kong. The most demanding of all clients
requirements placed on us is performance i.e. time, quality, within
budget. Once a client commits to a project, it is vital that implementation
follows quicky and smoothly. From the first briefings and team meetings
through to the timely delivery of finished product to the site,
RAGA is geared to performance.